
Support Valley Temple Today

Honor a special occasion or the memory of a loved one by donating to one of our funds which will suit the donor or the honoree. Contributions to our funds support special programs and projects not covered by our operating budget.

Non Event Fundraiser 2024

For donations to the 2024 Non Event Fundraiser.  Please add 5% to your donation for processing fees.

Video Streaming Fund

To be used to offset the cost of live streaming of weekly Shabbat services.

Allen and Selma Wiener Berkman Social Action Fund

To be used for special social action projects, such as soup kitchens.

Bryna Schwartz Memorial Oneg & Hospitality Fund

To be used to create beautiful and warm celebrations on Shabbat and other holidays and gatherings.

L’Chayim Committee (Congregational Care)

To provide support to those who are in the hospital, homebound, in mourning, or celebrating a simcha.

Rabbi Solomon T. Greenberg Prayerbook Fund

To purchase prayerbooks to be used in the Temple.

Francie Brown Memorial Office Fund

For the purchase of new office equipment.

Irvin and Janet Makrauer Memorial Ritual Fund

For the purchase of ritual items.

Louise Marks Religious School Fund

For the purchase of materials and books to enhance the Religious School.

Sass Family Music Fund

For ongoing and creative music programs.

The Rabbi Sandford R. Kopnick Camp Scholarship Fund

This fund gives scholarships to Valley Temple students to help them attend URJ Goldman Union Camp during the summer.

The Stark Family Youth Fund

Provides financial aid to students wishing to participate in retreats, NFTY events, and other Jewish youth programs.

Rabbi Kopnick’s Discretionary Fund

Used for helping the less fortunate, scholarships, and donations to organizations on behalf of the Temple

Robert and Charlotte Lanzit Adult Education Fund

Used for special learning programs for adults

Estelle Wigser Flower Fund

For special flower arrangements used mostly in the sanctuary

Jane Munick Memorial Garden Fund

For the garden in front of the Temple with the Eternal Light sculpture

Rabbi Zoot’s Discretionary Fund

Used to help strengthen the education of the congregation, as well as to further the goals of learning and growth in our community.

Honor a special occasion or the memory of a loved one by donating to one of our funds which will suit the donor or the honoree. Contributions to our funds support special programs and projects not covered by our operating budget.

Video Streaming Fund

To be used to offset the cost of live streaming of weekly Shabbat services.

Allen and Selma Wiener Berkman Social Action Fund

To be used for special social action projects, such as soup kitchens.

Bryna Schwartz Memorial Oneg & Hospitality Fund

To be used to create beautiful and warm celebrations on Shabbat and other holidays and gatherings.

L’Chayim Committee (Congregational Care)

To provide support to those who are in the hospital, homebound, in mourning, or celebrating a simcha.

Rabbi Solomon T. Greenberg Prayerbook Fund

To purchase prayerbooks to be used in the Temple.

Francie Brown Memorial Office Fund

For the purchase of new office equipment.

Irvin and Janet Makrauer Memorial Ritual Fund

For the purchase of ritual items.

Louise Marks Religious School Fund

For the purchase of materials and books to enhance the Religious School.

Sass Family Music Fund

For ongoing and creative music programs.

The Rabbi Sandford R. Kopnick Camp Scholarship Fund

This fund gives scholarships to Valley Temple students to help them attend URJ Goldman Union Camp during the summer.

The Stark Family Youth Fund

Provides financial aid to students wishing to participate in retreats, NFTY events, and other Jewish youth programs.

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Used for helping the less fortunate, scholarships, and donations to organizations on behalf of the Temple

Robert and Charlotte Lanzit Adult Education Fund

Used for special learning programs for adults

Estelle Wigser Flower Fund

For special flower arrangements used mostly in the sanctuary

Jane Munick Memorial Garden Fund

For the garden in front of the Temple with the Eternal Light sculpture

Rabbi/Educator Discretionary Fund

Used to help strengthen the education of the congregation, as well as to further the goals of learning and growth in our community.

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